Spam Activity: Top-level Domains Quarter over Quarter Comparison: March 1,2024 - May 31,2024

For purposes of observing change over time, it is useful to compare measurements and metrics over successive reporting periods. Such comparisons illustrate whether spam activities are increasing or decreasing, and where such changes are occurring. Such comparisons can identify TLDs that are persistently abused or exploited by phishers. Investigators or policy makers may focus on these for deeper analyses.

In the table below, we use the measurement reported spam domains to compare the ranking of TLDs for the two consecutive periods.

Ranking of TLDs by Spam Domains, Quarter over Quarter (March to May 2024)

TLDs with a minimum of 30,000 domains under management and 25 spam domains

Domains under Management Number of Spam Domains
Rank TLD December to February 2024 March to May 2024 December to February 2024 March to May 2024 ▼
1 com 157,517,241 156,025,695 (-1%) 261,336 620,433 (+137%)
2 ▲ +1* top 2,687,971 2,768,909 (+3%) 43,615 163,424 (+275%)
3 ▲ +1 xyz 3,304,154 3,393,065 (+3%) 26,073 97,449 (+274%)
4 ▼ -2 cn 7,968,520 8,192,048 (+3%) 47,829 84,389 (+76%)
5 net 12,840,201 12,739,761 (-1%) 23,151 57,801 (+150%)
6 ▲ +5 cc 1,131,161 1,246,897 (+10%) 9,791 52,284 (+434%)
7 shop 2,370,659 2,863,581 (+21%) 14,890 39,110 (+163%)
8 ▲ +1 ru 5,415,296 5,525,370 (+2%) 11,387 38,570 (+239%)
9 ▲ +10 vip 866,736 933,681 (+8%) 5,402 37,864 (+601%)
10 ▲ +6 org 10,801,063 10,887,204 (+1%) 7,564 29,895 (+295%)
11 ▲ +2 club 586,557 593,196 (+1%) 9,086 21,899 (+141%)
12 ▼ -6 info 3,599,724 3,581,624 (-1%) 18,180 21,702 (+19%)
13 ▲ +15 co 3,232,708 3,268,616 (+1%) 2,954 15,274 (+417%)
14 ▲ +1 online 3,002,603 3,055,155 (+2%) 7,903 14,981 (+90%)
15 ▲ +15 life 386,767 413,647 (+7%) 2,639 12,587 (+377%)
16 ▲ +1 live 574,548 552,247 (-4%) 6,876 12,349 (+80%)
17 ▲ +20 pro 518,967 588,760 (+13%) 1,819 11,349 (+524%)
18 ▲ +5 bond 261,229 301,689 (+15%) 3,699 11,214 (+203%)
19 ▲ +32 app 678,907 707,483 (+4%) 939 10,744 (+1,044%)
20 ▼ -12 site 1,526,552 1,538,718 (+1%) 12,544 10,476 (-16%)

* Indicates change over prior quarter

Ranking of TLDs by Spam Domain Score, Quarter over Quarter (March to May 2024)

TLDs with a minimum of 30,000 domains under management and 25 spam domains

Domains under Management Spam Domain Score
Rank TLD December to February 2024 March to May 2024 December to February 2024 March to May 2024 ▼
1 ▲ +4* top 2,687,971 2,768,909 (+3%) 162.3 590.2 (+264%)
2 ▲ +49 wang 42,449 45,921 (+8%) 35.8 572.3 (+1,498%)
3 ▲ +15 cc 1,131,161 1,246,897 (+10%) 86.6 419.3 (+384%)
4 ▲ +29 vip 866,736 933,681 (+8%) 62.3 405.5 (+551%)
5 ▲ +8 cam 35,018 41,181 (+18%) 103.4 396.1 (+283%)
6 ▲ +35 ink 80,065 76,916 (-4%) 48.8 392.8 (+704%)
7 ▲ +1 bond 261,229 301,689 (+15%) 141.6 371.7 (+163%)
8 ▼ -1 club 586,557 593,196 (+1%) 154.9 369.2 (+138%)
9 ▼ -5 media 81,490 84,267 (+3%) 171.7 305.8 (+78%)
10 ▲ +20 life 386,767 413,647 (+7%) 68.2 304.3 (+346%)
11 ▲ +14 xyz 3,304,154 3,393,065 (+3%) 78.9 287.2 (+264%)
12 ▲ +41 win 91,511 93,833 (+3%) 29.7 269.7 (+808%)
13 ▲ +13 wiki 61,093 59,185 (-3%) 77.4 231.1 (+199%)
14 ▼ -3 live 574,548 552,247 (-4%) 119.7 223.6 (+87%)
15 ▼ -13 best 65,551 62,579 (-5%) 436.0 212.2 (-51%)
16 ▲ +36 pro 518,967 588,760 (+13%) 35.1 192.8 (+450%)
17 fit 33,753 34,512 (+2%) 88.0 192.7 (+119%)
18 ▼ -9 ng 170,841 175,378 (+3%) 126.7 173.4 (+37%)
19 ▲ +18 link 219,148 220,157 (0%) 59.1 154.8 (+162%)
20 ▲ +64 app 678,907 707,483 (+4%) 13.8 151.9 (+998%)

* Indicates change over prior quarter

Ranking of TLDs by Malicious Domain Registrations, Quarter over Quarter (March to May 2024)

TLDs with a minimum of 30,000 domains under management and 25 spam domains

Domains under Management Malicious Domain Registrations
Rank TLD December to February 2024 March to May 2024 December to February 2024 March to May 2024 ▼
1 com 157,517,241 156,025,695 (-1%) 136,181 344,227 (+153%)
2 top 2,687,971 2,768,909 (+3%) 42,437 162,494 (+283%)
3 xyz 3,304,154 3,393,065 (+3%) 21,849 81,068 (+271%)
4 ▲ +8* cc 1,131,161 1,246,897 (+10%) 6,525 44,300 (+579%)
5 ▼ -1 shop 2,370,659 2,863,581 (+21%) 14,867 39,110 (+163%)
6 ▲ +10 vip 866,736 933,681 (+8%) 4,764 36,220 (+660%)
7 ▲ +1 net 12,840,201 12,739,761 (-1%) 9,356 30,432 (+225%)
8 ▼ -2 cn 7,968,520 8,192,048 (+3%) 10,870 25,782 (+137%)
9 ▲ +2 ru 5,415,296 5,525,370 (+2%) 6,690 22,442 (+235%)
10 ▼ -1 club 586,557 593,196 (+1%) 8,543 21,568 (+152%)
11 ▲ +7 org 10,801,063 10,887,204 (+1%) 3,967 17,245 (+335%)
12 ▼ -7 info 3,599,724 3,581,624 (-1%) 11,925 11,940 (+0%)
13 ▲ +7 bond 261,229 301,689 (+15%) 3,635 11,072 (+205%)
14 ▲ +14 co 3,232,708 3,268,616 (+1%) 1,409 10,371 (+636%)
15 ▲ +26 app 678,907 707,483 (+4%) 721 9,734 (+1,250%)
16 ▲ +13 life 386,767 413,647 (+7%) 1,380 9,712 (+604%)
17 ▲ +15 pro 518,967 588,760 (+13%) 1,129 9,074 (+704%)
18 ▼ -4 online 3,002,603 3,055,155 (+2%) 5,402 8,975 (+66%)
19 ▼ -2 live 574,548 552,247 (-4%) 4,123 5,885 (+43%)
20 ▼ -13 site 1,526,552 1,538,718 (+1%) 9,974 5,815 (-42%)

* Indicates change over prior quarter

Quarterly Update:
Top Level Domains
Quarter over Quarter:
Key Statistics
Quarter over Quarter:
Top Level Domains
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