Phishing Landscape Studies
Phishing Landscape studies use data collected and curated at the Cybercrime Information Center Project (CIC) to measure and report on phishing and fraud activity over time.
Interisle 2024 Phishing Landscape study reveals phishers have expanded their supply chain to target more users
Analysis of 15 million phishing attacks collected over four years reveals how and where cybercriminals find free or cheap resources for phishing campaigns.
HOPKINTON, MA, USA, August 9, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ -Interisle Consulting Group today announced the publication of an industry report, Phishing Landscape 2024, A Study of the Scope and Distribution of Phishing. The study measures phishing activity over the last year, examines how phishers operate, and recommends strategies to disrupt how and where phishers get their resources.
Interisle’s fourth annual study examines nearly four million phishing reports collected from May 2023 to April 2024 and provides historical measurements using over 15 million phishing reports collected at the Cybercrime Information Center over a four year period.
Findings from the study:
The total number of phishing attacks grew by nearly 50,000 attacks compared to last year, to just under 1.9 million incidents worldwide.
Phishing attacks hosted at subdomain providers increased by 51% to over 450,000 reported names, representing 24% of all phishing attacks.
The use of the decentralized InterPlanetary File System to host and launch phishing attacks also increased 1,300% to 19,000 reported phishing sites.
After the demise of the phish-friendly Freenom, cybercriminals moved to using inexpensive domain names in new gTLDs. 42% of all domains reported for phishing were registered in new gTLDs, compared to 25% last year.
The registration of high volumes of domain names at one time (bulk registration) accounts for 27% of all domain names used in phishing attacks.
Four of the top five hosting providers used by phishers to host phishing attacks were based in the United States.
Domain name registration policies significantly affect the level of phishing in a TLD. Robust customer verification requirements adopted by ccTLDs in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region correlate with lower levels of phishing activity.
According to Interisle partner and study contributor Karen Rose, “Our study shows that clear and known patterns of resource abuse continue, such as the use of bulk registration and new gTLDs. We also see an increase in the exploitation of alternative resources including subdomain and gateway providers. Additional study findings also demonstrate that market changes and policies can have a significant impact.”
Phishing is a global threat. Fighting it effectively will require worldwide policy and legislative attention, the cooperation of domain name registries and registrars, Internet and web hosting service providers, and national and international government agencies. Interisle recommends several measures to disrupt the phishing supply chain and effectively remediate phishing attacks.
Implement digital identify verification for parties wishing to bulk register domain names.
Adopt digital identity verification programs across the domain name, subdomain, and hosting industries.
Deploy automated systems to screen for suspicious patterns of domain name and subdomain registrations.
Implement more effective, proactive procedures to identify the use of hosting resources for cybercrime.
Create “Trusted Reporter” programs across industry to facilitate swift suspension of phishing resources identified by recognized and trusted cybercrime monitors.
"Most phishing now occurs on services offered by a small number of companies,” said Greg Aaron, Interisle Associate and an expert on cybercrime. “These are companies that offer hosting, domain names, and other resources that phishers need to run their attacks. If a handful of these companies can make it harder for phishers to use their services, the public will be better protected.”
The report emphasizes that mitigation requires cross-industry collaboration, and explains that hosting operators must also commit to these or similar proactive measures. The report also encourages governments to consider taking a more prominent role in ensuring such cybercrimes are less likely to emanate from their namespace.
The Interisle report is available at https://interisle.net/PhishingLandscape2024.
Interisle is engaged in a long-term effort to collect and analyze data on the way criminals obtain resources they use to perpetrate cybercrimes, so that Internet policy development can be informed by reliable intelligence based on data. As part of this effort, Interisle publishes quarterly phishing activity reports at the Cybercrime Information Center.
Supplements to Phishing Landscape 2024: Tables of the rankings of TLDs, Registrars, and Hosting Networks for the period 1 May 2023 - 30 April 2024
Interisle’s 2023 study reveals that phishing attacks have tripled since May 2020, situation worsening each year
Study identifies distinct, persistent exploitation and abuse of Internet resources, reveals that criminals can trivially acquire everything they need to phish.
HOPKINTON, MA, USA, August 9, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ --Interisle Consulting Group today announced the publication of an industry report,Phishing Landscape 2023, A Study of the Scope and Distribution of Phishing. Interisle researchers analyzed more than 11 million phishing reports collected from 1 May 2020 to 30 April 2023 to provide annual and triennial measurements of phishing.
Phishing continues to defraud millions of Internet users and businesses each year. The U.S. FBI estimates $2 billion in losses from a single form of phishing called business email compromise (BEC). And these self-reported figures vastly underestimate the harm and losses.Recovery from data breaches where phishing was the initial vector can exceed $5 million per attack.
Among the major findings in the study, Interisle reports that:
The number of phishing attacks has tripled since May 2020, and has increased 65% over the previous yearly study period.
The number of unique domain names reported for phishing continues to increase. More than 1 million unique domain names were reported for phishing during the current yearly period.
And the growth is concentrated:
New gTLDs host a disproportionate and growing share of phishing domains. Year after year, 90% of phishing domains in new gTLDs are in just 25 new gTLDs.
Phishers prefer to host their web pages in the US, and 42% of all phishing attacks were concentrated in just five US-based hosting networks
User accounts created to host phishing web sites at subdomain providers more than doubled. 80% of these attacks occurred on accounts created at just eight providers.
The most disturbing finding? Two-thirds of domain names reported for phishing across all TLDs were registered specifically to carry out a criminal act. Preventing the registration of these domains, and taking them down quicky, should be a priority for the domain name industry.
Phishing leverages Internet resources, exploits vulnerable technologies, and takes advantage of policy and legislative regimes that are siloed and often ineffective. Dave Piscitello, co-author and director of the Cybercrime Information Center project, notes that, “By examining phishing over a three-year period, we were able to answer questions such as ‘Are phishers doing business at the same registry, registrar, or web hosting services year after year?’ and ‘How has phishing evolved over a three-year period?’ Our data show that the largely independent efforts by the domain name and hosting industries, governments, and private sector organizations have done little to slow the growth of phishing and the damage it causes to Internet users around the world.”
Pervasive phishing and other cybercrimes contribute to a lack of consumer trust in online services, which in turn creates a drag on economic opportunity. According to Dr. Colin Strutt, co-author, “The industry is in desperate need of a global strategy that will starve phishers and other criminals of easy access to resources. Our data reveal that it is trivial for criminals to acquire everything they need to phish. We must adopt effective mitigation measures and incentivize the organizations that, wittingly or not, facilitate cybercriminal activity in order to stem the persistent and growing tide of abuse.”
Phishing is a global threat. Fighting it effectively will require worldwide policy and legislative attention, the cooperation of domain name registries and registrars, Internet and web hosting service providers, and national and international government agencies. In the report, Interisle discusses how policy regimes can be more proactive in mitigating phishing, how governments might encourage effective phishing mitigation strategies, and what past and recent successes in litigating organizations where phishers most frequently obtain resources they use in for their criminal activities. These recommendations include, for domain names registries and registrars:
Clear prohibition of the use of registered domain names to conduct fraudulent, illegal, or deceptive practices, including phishing.
Requirement for swift suspension or cancellation by registrars and registries of domain names that are identified as maliciously or abusively registered.
A duty for domain name registrars and registries to investigate reports of abuse in a timely manner that is clearly defined, and
Adoption of preventative, proactive anti-abuse techniques.
The report emphasizes that mitigation requires cross-industry collaboration, and explains that hosting operators must also commit to these or similar proactive measures. The report also encourages governments to consider taking a more prominent role in ensuring such cybercrimes are less likely to emanate from their namespace.
In the absence of more effective mitigation measures and broader cooperation, litigation has shown to be an effective tool in stemming abuse. Quoting from the report, "In late 2022, Freenom was sued by Meta and the impact was immediate.
By January 2023, Freenom stopped offering domains names, and the number of Freenom domains used for phishing quickly plummeted." The report reviews more than a decade of lawsuits involving domain names to demonstrate that litigation has shown to be an effective tool in stemming abuse.
The Interisle report is available at https://interisle.net/PhishingLandscape2023.html.
Phishing Landscape 2022: An Annual Study of the Scope and Distribution of Phishing
As reported via EIN Presswire…
Interisle reports a 61% increase in phishing in annual study
Most phishing occurs on domains maliciously registered by phishers, for phishing,
HOPKINTON, MA, UNITED STATES, July 19, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Interisle Consulting Group today announced the publication of an industry report, Phishing Landscape 2022, An Annual Study of the Scope and Distribution of Phishing. The study, which analyzes more than 3 million phishing reports representing 1,123,000 phishing attacks, shows that phishing increased by 61% over the period 1 May 2020 through 30 April 2021.
Phishing continues to pose a significant threat to millions of Internet users. Among the major findings in the study, Interisle reports that:
Phishers targeted over 2000 businesses and organizations during the 1 May 2021 to 30 April 2022 period. The majority of phishing attacks targeted just ten brands.
A small number of registrars dominate malicious domain registration in some TLDs. In four TLDs, more than 80% of the malicious domains were registered through just one registrar.
Phishing attacks are disproportionately concentrated in new gTLDs. While the new TLDs’ market share decreased during our yearly reporting period, phishing among the new TLDs has increased.
Phishers deliberately registered 69% of all domains—and 92% of new gTLD domains—on which phishing occurred. 58% of all reported phishing attacks were hosted on these maliciously registered phishing domains.
Cryptocurrency phishing rose 257%. Nearly 80% of the gTLD domains reported for phishing were maliciously registered. Wallets were the most targeted brands.
According to Interisle partner and co-author Dave Piscitello, “Cryptocurrency phishing has skyrocketed, especially attacks involving wallets and exchanges. Phishers are applying attack techniques that they’ve used against other financials to virtual currencies with great effect.”
John Levine, the President of the Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email (CAUCE), said that “this thoroughly researched report is essential reading for anyone concerned about the growing threat of online phishing. It has detailed analyses and advice on what and where the threats are, and how we can and must deal with them."
The Interisle report is available at https://interisle.net/PhishingLandscape2022.html.
A summary of the study can be found at the page Phishing Landscape Study 2022.
Phishing Landscape 2021: An Annual Study of the Scope and Distribution of Phishing
For this study, Interisle Consulting Group LLC again analyzed CIC information about phishing attacks - nearly 1.5 million phishing reports representing 700,000 phishing attacks - and reported that phishing increased by nearly 70% over the period 1 May 2020 through 30 April 2021.
Among the major findings in the study, Interisle reported that:
Most phishing is concentrated at small numbers of domain registrars, domain registries, and hosting providers. 69% of the domains used for phishing were registered in 10 Top-level Domains and 69% were registered through just 10 registrars.
Phishing attacks are disproportionately concentrated in new gTLDs (nTLDs). While the new TLDs' market share decreased during our yearly reporting period, phishing among the new TLDs has increased.
Phishing domain registrations in some TLDs are overwhelmingly dominated by a small number of registrars. In some cases, 90% or more of the malicious domains in a TLD were registered through one gTLD registrar.
41% of all phishing attacks occurred at just ten hosting providers. We identified 4,110 hosting networks (ASNs) where phishing web sites were reported. 28% of all phishing attacks occurred on just four hosting networks.
Phishers targeted 1,804 businesses or organizations during the 1 May 2020 to 30 April 2021 period. The top 10 brands targeted over the course of our annual period account for 46% of the reported phishing attacks.
When phishers register domains, they tend to use them quickly. 57% of domains reported for phishing were used within 14 days following registration and more than half of those were used within 48 hours.
The study also reports that most phishing occurs on domains purposely (maliciously) registered for phishing attacks. Interisle determined that 65% of domains associated with phishing attacks were maliciously registered.
You may read an Executive Summary of the Report or the complete Report.
A summary of the study can be found at the page, Summary of Phishing Activity May 1, 2020 - April 30, 2021.
Phishing Landscape 2020
Interisle Consulting Group analyzed a large set of CIC information about phishing attacks, to better understand how much phishing is taking place and where it is taking place. They looked at when phishers launch attacks, to determine when attacks occur and how quickly phishers act, and studied where phishers obtain domain names and what web hosting is used. This analysis identified where additional phishing detection and mitigation efforts are needed and identified vulnerable providers.
By applying rule sets to further curate CIC data, Interisle was able to discriminate domains that were purposely registered for phishing from compromised domains (see Phishing Terminology).
Interisle also reported on the wide range of brands targeted by phishers, and how often they take advantage of the unique properties of internationalized domain names (IDNs).
Download the Executive Summary or the Full Report from Interisle Consulting Group, LLC.
Image by Richard Patterson